Ball State University’s Offices of the Provost, Vice Provost of Academic Affairs, and Immersive Learning are pleased to announce the 2021 Immersive Learning Faculty Awards.
The purpose of these awards is to recognize demonstrated excellence in creating, mentoring, and implementing these courses. This event celebrates not just our award winners but also every individual who is involved in community-engaged, high-impact activities. We appreciate all that you do to promote immersive learning on our campus and in the community.
This year's immersive learning awards celebrate some of Ball State's most impactful projects taking place from January 2019 to July 30, 2020, and the four awardees will receive a $1,000 financial stipend. We extend a special thank you to the past award recipients who served on our review committee: Annette Rose from Educational Studies, David Largent from Computer Science, and Carolyn Dowling from Geological Sciences.
To see the official, recorded announcement, click on the exhibit video.
To read more about the faculty winners and their projects, click on the pages listed in the right side bar.
Office of Immersive Learning