CS4MS+ Project Description

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CS4MS+ Project Description

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The Computer Science for Muncie Schools (or CS4MS+) project is made up of a team of immersive learning students who have connections to or are interested in computer science or computer technology.
Our mission in CS4MS+ is to educate and encourage all K-12 students in the exploration of computer science and computational thinking by interacting with students, their educators, and the community. We will accomplish this goal by providing resources, personal insights, and activities that will engage younger generations and help reinforce these concepts. Furthermore, we will increase community involvement and awareness of the resources provided by CS4MS+ to allow our efforts to continue beyond this semester.
This project is important because research suggests that social and cultural factors may be behind under-representation of many demographics in STEM fields. As a result, students have little idea what it means to be a computer scientist and lose the opportunity to become one. To facilitate this project, we partnered with a variety of local schools. They serve students from diverse backgrounds who frequently do not have the resources available to participate in CS and CT activities. The focus of this immersive learning course is to expose our partners' students, particularly underrepresented minorities and females, to CS and CT. This project aims to assist the teachers by curating, developing, and documenting lessons and activities that incorporate CS and CT experiences for their students which can ultimately lead to future STEM opportunities and careers for these students.