Henry Gets Moving in Delaware County Youth Activity Program Undergraduate Pilot Study

Henry Gets Moving Final Poster MWACSM 2022.pdf
balance HGM FAll 2022.jpg
balance Trinity 2022.jpg
BSU bunny hop.jpg
Charlie Cardinal parachute- FAll 2022.jpg
Charlie with partner- ball circuit .jpg
flexibility Fall 2022.jpg
HGM My Plate Fall 2022.jpg
My plate on smart board.jpg
parachute-FAll 2022.jpg
Sydney on a mission.jpg
Pierre and I at Benny.jpg
Yeta and Makala My Plate.jpg
Tunnel at Wes Del.jpg
Team Henry.jpg
shaking up the pudding.jpg
red ball activity at Wes Del.jpg
Pumpkin pudding in the works.jpg
Obstacle course .jpg
Logan and parachute at Wes Del.jpg
HGM photos.jpg
HGM discussion with Makala.jpg
Healthy snack.jpg
Healthy Eating with HGM- Payton.jpg
Discussing pumpkin pudding at Wes Del.jpg
dice game.jpg
BSU ExScience students.jpg
Breanna My Plate.jpg
Andrew demonstrating hula hoop for obstacle course.jpg

Dublin Core


Henry Gets Moving in Delaware County Youth Activity Program Undergraduate Pilot Study


Project intended to improve the habits of children and their families in the ways of getting moving and eating healthy.


This year we have expanded to include the Spanish department at Ball State University as well as the Computer Science students who are working on a website as part of their capstone project.


Nicole Koontz and Exercise Science 301 students


Fall 2022-Spring 2023




English and Spanish