Filaments, Spindles, Sun Sprays
For Michael Morow

Beyond the grove in afternoon
Oblique planes of a beetle's wings
Hover above wild goldenrod.
Beside the burdock in the lane
Spiked patterns form a thistled shade.
Overhead in angled rays
Cobwebs twist the saw-toothed leaves,
Threading the spindles of the wind.

A bass leaps, rippling, from the lake.
Its tail smacks a rainbow foam.
Across the bay some spired boats drift,
Canopied in a crimson sun.
Floating on far shores of light,
Their threaded masts and thin lined sails,
Stitch water to air, and air to land.
Plumed sea grass fans the grained limestone.

All objects set within this time
Command a calm commemoration:
Crescents of the beetle's flight,
Soft leaves veined with summer's strands,
Curves of sails, edging waves,
Prisms of the droplets' spray,
Filaments of quick-spun light,
Woven wonder fills this day. (65)


Mathis-Eddy, Darlene. Leaf Threads, Wind Rhymes. Daleville, IN: Barnwood Press Cooperative, 1985.