May 29, 1980:  Attempted Assassination of Vernon Jordan

Joseph Paul Franklin, a racist, attempted to kill Vernon Jordan because he was the President of the National Urban League.  Franklin stated, “I was on a holy war against the evildoers.  Evildoers were interracial couples, Black, and Jews.  I was the executioner, the judge, and the jury.”  Franklin discovered where Jordan was staying while Jordan visited Ft. Wayne.  Franklin parked his car on a nearby highway, raised the hood to create the impression that he had car trouble, and then hid in the grass with a powerful hunting rifle.  When Jordan arrived at his hotel room, Franklin fired several shots and wounded Jordan.  One shot left a gaping wound in Jordan’s back.  Franklin was acquitted for the shooting.  He later admitted he was guilty, but because of double jeopardy laws, he could not be retried for the crime.

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