Excluded Pieces

During our search for LGBTQ+ Theatre for Youth, we tracked down and read any piece that appeared to involve or focus on the experiences of queer youth. We relied primarily on the play’s description. We soon discovered that just because a piece has a queer, youth character does not mean it is ideal for or targeted towards a youth audience. Some of the pieces below are mainstays in high school theatre programs, for example, but focus on adult experiences. As such, during the review process, we established a variety of limiting factors that would exclude plays from our list. These exclusion factors included;

  • the LGBTQ+ character or characters were older than 18 years old and had entered college / military / post-secondary education or training (ie not “youth”)
  • the play did not contain LGBTQ+ characters or themes
  • the play or musical’s content included;
    • Excessive inappropriate language
    • Excessive physical violence onstage
    • Sexual violence onstage
    • Excessive drug or alcohol use onstage
    • Teacher / Student romantic or sexual relationships
    • Sexual contact onstage (more than making out)
    • Other content that seemed inappropriate to the reader and team

The plays below are the pieces we read, discussed, and decided to exclude from the project. We recognize that our decisions fall into a large grey space and are certainly open to moving items from this list back into the website database. If you see a title that you feel should be moved, please reach out and talk to us about it.

Play or Musical TitlePlaywrightPublisher
A Family OutingDolores Klinsky WalkerEldridge Publishing
A Singular TheyAliza GoldsteinStage Rights
And This is My Assistant BeakerScott C. SicklesNew Play Exchange
Appalachian Dove SongChris WellesNew Play Exchange
Beautiful ThingJonathan HarveyDramatists Play Service
Body of FaithLuis AlfaroDramatic Publishing
Bring Back My Bonny to MeNoa GottliebSamuel French
Cardboard PianoHansol JungSamuel French
The Children’s HourLillian HellmanDramatists Play Service
Choir BoyTarell Alvin McCraneyDramatists Play Service
Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage BlockheadBert V. RoyalDramatists Play Service
Everybody Loves RobbieEllen ChorleyPlaywrights Guild of Canada
Fear & WonderJason TsengNew Play Exchange
Fremont Junior High is Not Doing OklahomaPaul Michael ThomsonNew Play Exchange
The History BoysAlan BennetFaber and Faber
Holy OneRuby Lee LowensteinNew Play Exchange
Is My Microphone On?Jordan TannahillPlaywrights Canada Press
The Laramie ProjectMoises Kaufmann and the Tectonic Theatre ProjectDramatists Play Service
Leave of AbsenceLucia FrangionePlaywrights Guild of Canada
Lily and Tessa’s Super Star ShowDevon HayakawaNew Play Exchange
Marcus or the Secret of SweetTarell Alvin McCraneyDramatists Play Service
MilkMilkLemonadeJoshua ConkelPlayscripts Inc.
Miss Coco Peru Does Not LieScott C. SicklesNew Play Exchange
My Funny ValentineDave DeveauPlaywrights Guild of Canada
Nelly BoyDave DeveauPlaywrights Guild of Canada
Noble SavageHeather McDowellPlaywrights Guild of Canada
Rights of PassageEd Decker and Robert LeoneSamuel French
RunStephen LaughtonDrama Online
sad girl hoursLibby CarrNew Play Exchange
SlippingDaniel TalbotDramatists Play Service
Speech and DebateStephen KaramDramatists Play Service
Spring AwakeningFrank Wedekind, trans. by Edward BondDramatic Publishing
Stupid KidsJohn C. RusselDramatists Play Service
Tea and SympathyRobert AndersonRandom House
The Trans-G KidTrisha SugarekCreate Space Publishing
Theres’ an Order to These ThingsScott C. SicklesNew Play Exchange
VinSteven HouseAustralian Script Center
Would You Like Fries with That?Scott C. SicklesNew Play Exchange