
Aleema the Boy Girl

Rex McGregor Aleema and her friend Azad are in Kabul, Afghanistan, and are playing soccer outside, imagining their future World Cup success. Azad, a young boy, goes off to get his hair trimmed and Aleema wants her short hair trimmed, too. The barber says he cannot cut her hair anymore because her father wants it […]

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The Man She Was

Ric Averill Emma is a soldier in the Union during the Civil War but is in disguise as Frank so that she can fight. She rises in power, eventually becoming the right hand of the general, and works as a spy. At one point she disguises herself as an enslaved person. Over time she builds

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We All Got Lost

Camille Intson Five Catholic school girls start a secret story club deep in the Canadian woods. Despite their religious beliefs, two “girls” fall in love while one struggles with their gender identity. In the backdrop of their stories and the snowy forest, one of the girls is killed by another and they all have to

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Wakeful Sleeper

Jennifer Fraser 17-year-old, Carol Hawksworth is growing up in a traditional Christian household with her father, John, her mother Eleanor, and her two older brothers, Grant and Dirk. When she starts sleepwalking at night, she begins to question her sexuality. In doing so, she is forced to choose between herself and her family. Playwright: Jennifer

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The Diary of Every Samson

Jared Mallard Every Samson is a 14 year old, closeted lesbian, girl. She narrates through her diary, hence the title of the show. Every is navigating the 1980s as a young queer person with a secret crush. Roxanne, Every’s enemy, convinces her to run for the school beauty pageant. This is a ploy for Roxanne

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Karate Girls Are The Toughest

Audrey Lang Addie, a fourteen-year-old from Manhattan, takes karate lessons with her friends, including her best friend Lea. As the play progresses, it’s revealed that Addie has feelings for Lea and that their friend Rowen has feelings for Addie. Playwright: Audrey Lang Publication Year: 2021 Publisher: New Play Exchange Date of access: 5/2022 Genre: Drama

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It’s Gonna Rain

Matthew Waterman Nisha, Mira, Charlie, and Emily are navigating relationship challenges as they finish their senior year at Bloomington High School North. Nisha and Mira are newly together but facing the challenge of wanting to attend different colleges. Meanwhile, Charlie and Emily’s relationship takes a hit when Emily’s friend kisses Charlie, but they reconcile by

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