
Mallery Avidon

“The Kid” is trying to get through high school in a small town, but the backlash of having two moms makes it difficult. He is constantly bullied, harassed, and assaulted. His only escape is with his less-than-helpful imaginary friends, where he dreams of better places but still feels hopeless. After the hate grows too loud, he attempts to kill himself. The play ends with “The Kid” in the hospital and the negative people around him blaming his mothers for the attempted suicide.

Playwright:Mallery Avidon
Publication Year:2014
Length:Full Length
Cast Size:6
Specific BIPOC Characters:Yes
Identity Structures:Lesbian, Straight
Plot Tropes:Bullying, Internalized Homophobia, Spray Painted Hate Speech, Anti Queer Society, Queer Family, Same-Sex Marriage, Suicide, Gossip
Red Flags:Language, Physical Violence, Suicide