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Project Overview


Conservation Tales team, 2021

Do you know that YOU live near wildlife that are endangered or threatened? Are you aware that YOU can do things around your home and in your community that help protect those species? Have you ever met a scientist who studies those species?

Since 2016, a team of Ball State faculty and students have been collaborating with wildlife biologists around the world to tell stories that help children learn some key lessons - "Everyone can protect wildlife!" and "Anyone can be a scientist!"

Both of these messages are important objectives of this project. In the Conservation Tales books, these two themes are strongly emphasized in the stories, the characters, and the activities.


Conservation Tales Team Process

The process of developing the books lets students put the skills from their majors to work as they meet the scientists, develop characters, create sketches, drawings and photographs, write stories, and design the layout for the books and promotional materials. The final result is a published book, printed by Kindle Direct Publishing, marketed by Airway Publishing, and available online through the project site and on Amazon. To see how the team accomplishes this, click on the "Our Process" page.


The 2021 Conservation Tales books

The result is a series of books written for children in grades 3-5. Each story introduces a child who wants to know more about an animal. That curiosity provides an opportunity to meet REAL scientists to learn about the animals and the ways people study and protect them. The stories culminate in a set of "Conservation Actions" and "Inquiry Activities" that let readers take part in authentic conservation and scientific investigation! You can see more about the books on our "Products" page.


Creation of the books is done by a team of Ball State students enrolled in ART 370 - "Art Immersive: Conservation Tales." The team includes illustrators, graphic designers, photographers and science writers from majors like elementary education, science education, biology, NREM, and special education.  You can find out more about our crew from Spring 2021 by clicking on the "Meet the Team" page!

The Conservation Tales books get their authenticity by telling the real stories of wildlife scientists and conservationists. Each book team works with "Content Consultants" such as university researchers, government scientists, zoos, aquariums, and more! Our external partners also include community organizations who help us offer outreach and education opportunities to share our stories. To see a list of our partners in 2021 and from past years, visit the "Partners" page.
