Morningside Neighborhood


Dublin Core


Morningside Neighborhood


Identity Design


Morningside has a deep history rooted in community and working together to help their neighbors. The identity design evolved through research about the neighborhood’s past and finding the best way to represent a positive outlook for the future. Community members focus on planting seeds of growth within the neighborhood’s youth and supporting others.

The imagery within the logo for Morningside speaks to the values that community members hold. A plant, rising sun, and house are combined to first communicate strength in a unified community. The plant imagery is also a representation of community members with a circle placed above as a head. Depicting a person alongside housing was important to include for Morningside as a reminder of the first logo made by a community member in the 1970s.

View more images of the Morningside Neighborhood identity design here:


Studio 165+


Studio 165+


2018 – 2022