Special Eddie and Rolling Thunder

David M. Pody

Special Eddie and Rolling Thunder follows the typical storyline of high school students. Hock is the school bully, with Laura and C.J. serving as his sidekicks. Hock persecutes everyone for various characteristics – sexual orientation, race, and ability. When the victims of Hock’s harassment finally decide to face him, they read a poem they had to write for English class. It was this assignment that made Hock realize that a person’s worth is not based on their “coolness”, but on their ability to emote.

Playwright:David M. Pody
Publication Year:2015
Publisher:Playwrights Guild of Canada
Cast Size:9
Specific BIPOC Characters:Yes
Identity Structures:Lesbian
Plot Tropes:Anti-Queer Society, Body Image, Bullying, Physical Violence
Red Flags:Language, Physical Violence, Drinking, Ableism, Racism, Homophobia