Theater District

Richard Kramer

Fifteen-year-old Wesley moves in with his father, Kenny, and Kenny’s partner, George, in order to get to know his father better. When his friend, Theo, comes out in a school election, Wesley asks George and Kenny if they consider homosexuality to be a choice. After Wesley and Theo are gay-bashed one day after school, his parents spend time reflecting and questioning whether or not Wesley is gay. In the end, he tells George that he’s straight, but he seems to have gained a greater understanding after the incident.

Playwright:Richard Kramer
Publication Year:2005
Publisher:Playscripts Inc.
Length:Full length
Cast Size:7
Specific BIPOC Characters:No
Identity Structures:Gay
Plot Tropes:Anti-Queer Society, Coming Out, Gay Best Friend, Hate Crimes, Physical Violence, Queer Family, Romantic Relationships, Same-Sex Marriage
Red Flags:Language, Sexual Content, Physical Violence