A Band-Aided Heart and Iced Green Tea

Parker Jenkins

Cooper, the son of a pastor, and Alex, the son of the church’s choir director, run into each other at the coffee shop where Alex works and eventually begin a secret relationship. However, Cooper’s father discovers the journal where Cooper writes about Alex and initiates a confrontation that quickly turns physical. Sometime later, Cooper is shown having fled to Alex’s house while his father talks to Alex’s mother, who is more supportive. The play ends with Cooper’s father finding him and calling his name, but it’s implied that he’s ready to give his son the love and support he needs.

Playwright:Parker Jenkins
Publication Year:2021
Publisher:New Play Exchange
Date of Access: 05/2022
Length:Full Length
Cast Size:7
Specific BIPOC Characters:No
Identity Structures:Gay
Plot Tropes:Anti-Queer Family, Outing, Religion-Christianity, Romantic Relationships
Red Flags:Language, Sexual Content, Religious Content, Physical Violence, Sexual Acts