Aleema the Boy Girl

Rex McGregor

Aleema and her friend Azad are in Kabul, Afghanistan, and are playing soccer outside, imagining their future World Cup success. Azad, a young boy, goes off to get his hair trimmed and Aleema wants her short hair trimmed, too. The barber says he cannot cut her hair anymore because her father wants it to grow out. Aleema has been able to be a “tom boy” for the child phase of her life but now is being forced to shift into the gendered expectations of being a young woman. This may include wearing a headscarf and having an escort take her home. She decides to try acting like a girl while also joining the girl’s soccer team.

Playwright:Rex McGregor
Publication Year:2015
Publisher:Youth Plays
Cast Size:4
Specific BIPOC Characters:Yes
Identity Structures:Queer
Plot Tropes:Gender Roles and Stereotypes, Body Image, Religion-Islam
Red Flags:none