Alien 8

By David Lee White

After a destructive tornado in a small town, 8 emerges. This new person does not use masc/fem pronouns and is not aware of standard human customs of communication. During the course of the musical, 8 learns more about living and high school life while 8’s gesture-based way of communicating spreads to other youth. The town is also dealing with the suicide of a trans youth character and the drive to keep strangers out of town while they recover from the storm. At the end of the play, 8 leaves town and tells the community that more strangers will be coming soon. It’s unclear if they are referring to aliens or just those that are ‘alien’ to the community.

Playwright:David Lee White
Publication Year: 2017
Publisher: Youth Plays
Length:Full Length
Cast Size: ~ 20
Specific BIPOC Characters:No
Identity Structures: Gender-Queer, Non-Binary, Bisexual, Transgender
Plot Tropes: Suicide, Religion-Christianity
Red Flags:Suicide