Daisy Moon was Born This Way

Emily Sheehan

In this imaginative play, the four young characters explore the transformation from childhood into adulthood. 14 year old Daisy is a Lady Gaga super-fan with the dream of finally seeing her in concert, since the first time she tried to, it didn’t go as planned. That summer, her older brother gets kicked out of boarding school, and Daisy and his best friend learn the real reason why. Daisy and her new friend Parker work together at the pool to raise money for Lady Gaga tickets, and throughout the play struggle to keep their friendship strong, while dealing with confusing feelings for each other, homophobia, and loss.

Playwright:Emily Sheehan
Publication Year:2019
Publisher:Currency Press
Cast Size:4 (5 characters)
Specific BIPOC Characters:No
Identity Structures:Questioning
Plot Tropes:Anti-Queer Society, Body Image, Bullying, Closeted, Spray Painted Hate Speech, Gender Roles and Stereotypes, Locker Room, Sports, Suicide
Red Flags:Language, Sexual Content, Drinking, Drug Use, Suicide