fml: How Carson McCullers Saved My Life

By Sarah Gubbins

Jo uses illustration and writing as a coping mechanism to escape her everyday life, where she struggles with homophobia. She has an overprotective best friend named Mickey, who helps her through these problems. Jo has another friend named Emma, who has a shitty boyfriend that is threatened by Jo’s queerness and is blatantly homophobic. Jo uses her English class and puts herself in the position of Carson McCullers, whom she affiliates herself with, to get through her rough feelings. Put off by Carson’s suicide, it encourages her not to take the same route.

Playwright:Sarah Gubbins
Publication Year:2012
Publisher:Dramatic Publishing
Length:Full Length
Cast Size:5
Specific BIPOC Characters: Yes
Identity Structures:Lesbian, Gay
Plot Tropes:Physical Violence, Bullying, Homophobia, Gay Best Friend, Internalized Homophobia, Spray Painted Hate Speech
Red Flags:Language, Slurs, Physical Violence, Bullying, Homophobia