The Other Side of the Closet

Edward Roy

This play tells the story of five teens who are grappling with issues of homophobia, peer pressure, youth violence, behavior norms, gender expectations, discrimination, and identity. This play explores the issue of homophobia when it’s protagonist, a teenager named Carl, is outed by friends.

Playwright:Edward Roy
Publication Year:1999
Publisher:Playwrights Guild of Canada
Length:Full Length
Cast Size:5
Specific BIPOC Characters:No
Identity Structures:Gay
Plot Tropes:Anti-Queer Family, Anti-Queer School Staff, Anti-Queer Society, Bullying, Closeted, Coming out, Flamboyant Gay Male, Gay Best friend, Gay Straight Alliance, Gender Roles and Stereotypes, Gossip, Hate Crimes, HIV/AIDS, Internalized Homophobia, Locket Room, Outing, Physical Violence, Romantic Relationships, School Dance, Unrequited Hetero Love
Red Flags:Language, Sexual Content, Religious Content, Physical Violence, Drinking