The Statue of St. Marinos the Monk

Nick Witzeman

O and X are nonbinary teenagers attending a co-ed Catholic high school where their brother teaches music. During a Zoom interview, sibling tensions are revealed and religion, art, and gender are discussed. O and X are angry about the Catholic Church and their school’s rigid view on gender, which has put them both on thin ice. One has been expelled for replacing a statue at school with one they made of St. Marino whom the church views as St. Marina and the other has just turned down a role in the school play, “Our Town” because their gender identity was not respected in the casting process. Their brother T is also in trouble at school after he tells his students he is questioning his faith.

Playwright:Nick Witzeman
Publication Year:N/A
Publisher:New Play Exchange
Date of Access:5/2022
Cast Size:4
Specific BIPOC Characters:No
Identity Structures:Nonbinary
Plot Tropes:Anti-Queer School Staff, Drama Kids, Gender roles and Stereotypes, Gossip, Religion-Christianity
Red Flags:Language, Religious Content