
James Ijame

Wyatt, a gay nonbeliever, who is new to town is forced to go to youth group by his mom. He is welcomed by an overeager youth pastor and a small but devout group of teens, each with their own struggles. Reggie, who is wheelchair bound and trying to pray his own gay away, falls in love with Wyatt, who has mutual feelings. When Maurice, one of the teens, gets hurt, Wyatt heals him. This is the first of many miracles Wyatt performs, much to the disbelief and concern of the youth pastor Dave. Wyatt’s greatest act is healing Reggie, giving him both the power to walk and more importantly the power to accept his identity. Important note: While the stage direction depicts Reggie walking at the end, there is a modification for actors with disabilities who are wheelchair-bound.

Playwright:James Ijame
Publication Year:N/A
Publisher:New Play Exchange
Date of Access:5/2022
Cast Size:6
Specific BIPOC Characters:No
Identity Structures:Gay
Plot Tropes:Anti-Queer Society, Internalized Homophobia, Religion-Christianity
Red Flags:Sexual content, Religious Content