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Aleema the Boy Girl

Rex McGregor Aleema and her friend Azad are in Kabul, Afghanistan, and are playing soccer outside, imagining their future World Cup success. Azad, a young boy, goes off to get his hair trimmed and Aleema wants her short hair trimmed, too. The barber says he cannot cut her hair anymore because her father wants it […]

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Daisy Moon was Born This Way

Emily Sheehan In this imaginative play, the four young characters explore the transformation from childhood into adulthood. 14 year old Daisy is a Lady Gaga super-fan with the dream of finally seeing her in concert, since the first time she tried to, it didn’t go as planned. That summer, her older brother gets kicked out

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The Diary of Every Samson

Jared Mallard Every Samson is a 14 year old, closeted lesbian, girl. She narrates through her diary, hence the title of the show. Every is navigating the 1980s as a young queer person with a secret crush. Roxanne, Every’s enemy, convinces her to run for the school beauty pageant. This is a ploy for Roxanne

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Special Eddie and Rolling Thunder

David M. Pody Special Eddie and Rolling Thunder follows the typical storyline of high school students. Hock is the school bully, with Laura and C.J. serving as his sidekicks. Hock persecutes everyone for various characteristics – sexual orientation, race, and ability. When the victims of Hock’s harassment finally decide to face him, they read a

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