Coming Out

Stars (two females)

Evan Guilford-Blake Jen and Tina meet at Jen’s secret spot and talk about what the stars mean to them. This leads to Jen confessing her feelings for Tina and kissing her. Tina does not feel the same, but is okay with Jen being queer and the two remain friends. Playwright: Evan Guilford-Blake Publication Year: 2011 […]

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Only the Library

Katy Fitzpatrick Sarala is a passionate member of the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) and wants to attend a conference in solidarity of her best friend, Angie, who has recently come out as a lesbian. Her mother disapproves, and doesn’t understand why she cares if she is not queer. While this is happening, we are watching

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Hashtag Adorable

Samantha Mavher Elizabeth is not out to her parents, but wants to ask her girlfriend, Alex, to Prom. With the help of her choir and her best friend Ollie, Elizabeth pops the question. It turns out, though, that they end up Prom-posing to each other with a flash mob and a scrap book. Playwright: Samantha

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Remedial English

Evan Smith Vincent, an often distracted student at Cabrini Catholic Academy, is asked to tutor one of his classmates in English. Vincent chooses Rob, as he has a fantastical crush on him. Imagination running rampant due to boredom, Vincent faces homophobia amongst his peers at the private, all boys, academy and learns a sombering lesson

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Everybody Come to Tim’s

Allison Williams Mike has decided to come out to his friend Tony at a local coffee shop. After chatting about it with some of the other patrons and employees, Tony arrives and Mike stumbles through the coming out process. During each awkward stage and comment, the play shifts to a dramatic re-enactment of a related

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Kai Fig Taddei Canadian Kat and Italian Eli just met online. Their dads are brothers, but Kat’s dad was kicked out because he is gay, and they have never met. They quickly form a bond because of their queerness and curiosity to learn more about their family. When Kat learns that Eli is trans, she

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Wakeful Sleeper

Jennifer Fraser 17-year-old, Carol Hawksworth is growing up in a traditional Christian household with her father, John, her mother Eleanor, and her two older brothers, Grant and Dirk. When she starts sleepwalking at night, she begins to question her sexuality. In doing so, she is forced to choose between herself and her family. Playwright: Jennifer

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