Hate Crimes

Theater District

Richard Kramer Fifteen-year-old Wesley moves in with his father, Kenny, and Kenny’s partner, George, in order to get to know his father better. When his friend, Theo, comes out in a school election, Wesley asks George and Kenny if they consider homosexuality to be a choice. After Wesley and Theo are gay-bashed one day after

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The Other Side of the Closet

Edward Roy This play tells the story of five teens who are grappling with issues of homophobia, peer pressure, youth violence, behavior norms, gender expectations, discrimination, and identity. This play explores the issue of homophobia when it’s protagonist, a teenager named Carl, is outed by friends. Playwright: Edward Roy Publication Year: 1999 Publisher: Playwrights Guild

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The Diary of Every Samson

Jared Mallard Every Samson is a 14 year old, closeted lesbian, girl. She narrates through her diary, hence the title of the show. Every is navigating the 1980s as a young queer person with a secret crush. Roxanne, Every’s enemy, convinces her to run for the school beauty pageant. This is a ploy for Roxanne

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A Service for Jeremy Wong

Daniel S. Kehde After the brutal murder of Jeremy Wong by his classmates in the rural country. A series of episodic testimonies unveils how his queerness was the root of others hatred. The audience also sees the pursuit of justice from the police. Interrogations from his classmates and family shows the hatred homophobia brings to

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Meet Me at the Gate, Marcus James

Donna Hoke Marcus finds a pink noose in his locker and wears it to his social studies class; intersectionally attacking his queerness and his race. His peers won’t say who put it in the locker so the teacher tries to resolve it through the school district but meets with resistance from both the building principal

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