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Camryn Zeller | More Knowledge and Less Sleep: Sleep Patterns in Nursing Students
There is precedent that nurses and students have unhealthy sleep patterns and sleep hygiene. The purpose of current research is to determine if a student’s year in school (i.e., first year, second year, etc.) is related to any unhealthy sleep patterns or hygiene they may present. A survey including the PSQI, the Sleep Hygiene Knowledge subsection of the SHAPS, and a survey of demographics screening out those with disordered sleep will be used to determine sleep quantity, quality, and hygiene knowledge patterns across cohorts. If there is evidence of poor sleep quality, quantity, or hygiene knowledge in this population, it indicates that more research should be done on how severe these variables may impact performance of nursing students. Highlighting specific years or times where these unhealthy practices may be more prevalent could help determine when sleep education should be utilized to help the population build healthy sleep habits before going into the nursing field. It will also provide data for future studies on what patterns of sleep to expect in this population.
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Thomas Holtgraves
Psychological Science