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Caldwell-Dennis House Final Document

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With all of the knowledge collected during the site visits and the information regarding research and recommendations compiled, the team compiled a final document. The document contains an exhaustive history on the home, surrounding area and the landscape, a brief demographic makeup of the surrounding area, data regarding the current conditions of the structure as well as character defining features and a set of measured drawings, leading up to recommendations concerning the proposed adaptive reuse and continued use of the historic home, including recommendations for repairs and continued maintenance. 

Previous to the completion of the final document, a second virtual meeting was held with stakeholders from Indiana Landmarks and Hope House, as well as other vested parties. A summarized version of the document was presented as a PowerPoint and allowed for involved parties to give feedback and opinions as well as suggest changes to the document, before it was finalized. 

The Caldwell-Dennis House Feasibility Study project was immensely challenging and interesting to all involved from Professor Hall's course. The project allowed team members to put theoretical skills learned in other Historic Preservation courses to use in a real-world scenario, as well as giving them the opportunity to have hands-on experience investigating an historic structure. The research done for history, precedent studies and architectural conservation by team members was also instrumental in providing valuable insight to what occurs often in historic preservation projects. 


Final Document