Browse Exhibits (4 total)

Transforming the Muncie Mall into a Community Sustainability Hub

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Transforming the Muncie Mall into a Community Sustainability Hub

Students in this course have worked to develop proposals to transform the Muncie Mall into a sustainability center for the Muncie community. Interdisciplinary student teams used specialized disciplinary knowledge and skills to plan projects that they have presented and discussed with local business and government leaders.

Community partners for this course are:

Jay Julian of the Muncie-Delaware County Chamber of Commerce; Traci Lutton of the Muncie-Delaware County Economic Development Alliance; and Mayor Dan Ridenour of the City of Muncie Office of the Mayor.

Other course partners:

Tim Kean, Second Harvest; Ashley Mann, Minnetrista; Josh Gruver, Muncie Food Hub Partnership; Jon Anderson, Muncie Sports Commission; Zane Bishop, City of Muncie.


Conner Becker, Brittan Brady, Devin Bridget, Jessica Carroll, Georgia Cushing, Jack Field, Hannah Hubble, Alvin Languerre, Alexandra Lawburg, John Maegerlein, Caitlin Osburn, Erin Powell, Michael Shirley, Carter Solivan, Dominic Zelli

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Anthony Neighborhood Living Quality


Anthony Neighborhood Living Quality

This is an Immersive Learning Project supported by Ball State Build Better Neighborhoods, Muncie Action Plan, and Anthony-Northside Neighborhood Association and conducted by students in GEOG 437: Advance Remote Sensing in Spring 2021 under the guidance of Dr. Jason Yang. The goal of this project is to map the quality-of-life for Muncie neighborhoods, and specifically to map the living quality for the Anthony-Northside neighborhood this semester, using GIS and remote sensing techniques.

Four general categories of living quality indicators were evaluated for each house in the neighborhood and fifteen maps were created in this project: one map for Home Insulation; two maps for Home value and Lot size; one map for Lot Greenness, ten maps for its adjacency to community amenities, and one Overall Living Quality Index map.

Home Insulation for each house was evaluated from a thermal infrared image collected by students using a FLIR One thermal camera. Home value and Lot size was obtained from online sources Lot Greenness was assessed based the greenness percentage in each lot, which was derived from the USA NAIP NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) imagery. Proximity to community amenities including Clinics, Schools, Libraries, Restaurants, USPS Mailboxes, Bus Stops, Parks, Bike Trails, Recreations, and Fire Stations were analyzed using Network Analysis in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online. The values of all indicators were scaled to categories of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest living quality and 5 being the highest. The Overall Living Quality Index was obtained by averaging all fourteen living quality indicators.

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Writing for Change

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“Writing for Change” is comprised of three year-long, immersive sections of First-Year Composition. During the 2020-2021 year, the pilot courses were offered in partnership with the Muncie Mission, Beyond I Can and the YWCA of Delaware County. Students spent one semester learning about ethical community engagement and growing as composers of a variety of texts. They interacted with their community partners to learn about the issues most important to their mission and conducted primary and secondary research on these issues. During the second semester, students worked to determine how writing could support the work of their community partners by creating documents seeking financial backing, facilitating organization and contributing to community awareness. They formulated a strategic plan and collaborated to create a series of texts on behalf of their partner organization. Students wrote proposals, designed brochures, and created web content for their community partners. By asking students to fulfill real-world needs, these courses developed students’ sense of social responsibility and understanding of how to write for specific audiences and purposes.

  • Muncie Mission - Dr. Darolyn Jones
  • Beyond I Can - Dr. Laura Romano
  • YWCA of Delaware County - Dr. Kathryn Ludwig

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Computer Science for Muncie (and Surrounding) Schools (CS4MS+)

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Partnering with local schools, the Computer Science for Muncie (and Surrounding) Schools (CS4MS+) project team researched, developed, curated, and delivered instructional resources which incorporate Computer Science (CS) into educational offerings, with a focus on the Indiana CS academic standards, and worked to advance teachers’ understanding of CS and/or interacted with their students as a teaching assistant. Although CS student focused, an interdisciplinary project team was sought, with another project focus being to expose underrepresented minorities and females to CS. When Indiana introduced CS into their academic standatrds, CS4MS+ was created to support local teachers in this endeavor. To learn more, please click on the "Computer Science for Muncie (and Surrounding) Schools (CS4MS+)" title above, then use the links provided to the right when the new page appears.


  • Please review the participant page for a list of all BSU students involved with this project over the semesters.

    Community Partners:

    • Northside Middle School, Muncie, Delaware County, IN.
    • Muncie Central High School, Muncie, Delaware County, IN.
    • Burris Laboratory School, Muncie, Delaware County, IN.
    • Daleville Jr./Sr. High School, Daleville, Delaware County, IN.


    • Sciences and Humanities


    "The CS4MS+ project was a great and unique experience for me. I always had a passion to teach others about Computer Science and this was a fun opportunity to do so. It left me feeling that I had actually impacted the future of the students and teachers that we interacted with." ~Participating student

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