The Evolution of Getting a Living in Middletown


The history of work in an industrial community such as Muncie includes labor unions.  Muncie had a strong union movement during the Gas Boom era, but it declined considerably during the early twentieth century.  The Lynds were surprised by the absence of a robust labor movement when they first came to Muncie during the 1920s.  Boosted by the New Deal, union organization revived in Muncie during the 1930s and 1940s and labor unions remained strong in the city through the remainder of the twentieth century.  They helped workers secure better pay, working conditions, and schedules.  Unions also encouraged political engagement and enabled workers to give back to their communities.  But the increased costs to companies associated with higher pay and better benefits led some companies to move operations to places with cheaper labor, contributing to deindustrialization in places such as Muncie.

Follow the links below for more on the history of unions in Muncie.

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