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Student Symposium 2021


Gilavand, A., Gilavand, M., & Gilavand, S. J. I. J. o. P. (2016). Investigating the impact of lighting educational spaces on learning and academic achievement of elementary students. 4(5), 1819-1828.

Hathaway, W. E. (1992). A Study into the Effects of Light on Children of Elementary School-Age--A Case of Daylight Robbery: ERIC.

Heschong, L., Mahone, D., Kuttaiah, K., Stone, N., Chappell, C., McHugh, J. J. S. f. t. P. G., & Program, E. C. o. b. o. t. C. B. f. E. E. T. P. (1999). Daylighting in schools: An investigation into the relationship between daylighting and human performance.

Heschong, L., Wright, R. L., & Okura, S. J. J. o. t. I. E. S. (2002). Daylighting impacts on human performance in school. 31(2), 101-114.

Nicklas, M. H., & Bailey, G. B. (1996). Analysis of the Performance of Students in Daylit Schools.