Why Dual Language Immersion is Right for Our Children - Muncie Community Schools
Why Dual Language Immersion is Right for Our Children - Muncie Community Schools
Students in Dr. Chin-Sook Pak's SP404 class (Bilingualism in the Hispanic World) had the opportunity to collaborate with West View Elementary's Dual Language Immersion program in Fall 2020. The class created a promotional booklet for the program. The 8-page booklet featured testimonials from parents and students while describing the program and its benefits. By creating graphics, gathering photos, and writing content, the students made a booklet that visually and textually engaged readers. The booklet was then printed and distributed throughout Muncie to reach potential new students (aslo included in the Muncie Community Schools website: http://www.muncie.k12.in.us/)
"Working on this booklet allowed me to grow in my career and as a person. I bettered my Spanish skills while getting to design the booklet. Also, I learned how valuable programs like West View's are. I want my own children to be a part of a dual-language program," Liz Rieth said. Liz, a Spanish and Journalism major, acted as an editor/designer for the project.
This booklet promoted a vital educational program. Dual-language programs like West Views allow both English and Spanish speakers to become bilingual. Bilingual students are proven to have better academic performance, enhanced cognitive skills, and increased intercultural competence. Additionally, this program is proven to be of the most effective methods of teaching native Spanish speakers English. The program allows them to fully learn English while maintaining their heritage language.