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Final Design, Installation, and Development of Children's Material


Drayson Nespo, Emilee Lemmer, and Caitlin Osburn Presenting Their Design to the Library Director, Akilah Nosakhere. 

     We took the feedback given to us by the library staff and community members to help form our final design. For the rest of the semester, our class will be working on installing the waystation and developing children’s materials for the library. The children’s materials we are developing focus on connecting kids with nature. They are designed to be educational and interactive so that the kids that will use them will remember the importance of nature in their lives. Some of the materials we are developing include an activity book, educational signage posts, interactive sign painting, nature pavers, and flower presses for the library to use with the children. Our class will be installing the final design of the monarch waystation using local materials.


The Final Planting Plan

Final Design, Installation, and Development of Children's Material