Identity Wheel

Social Identity Wheel

University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts’s Inclusive Teaching Initiative's Social Identity Wheel.

Early in the process, dancers completed an activity devised by the University of Michigan’s Inclusive Teaching Initiative. Members of this initiative created a social identity wheel devised to uncover people’s perception of others’ and their own identities and "how those identities become visible or more keenly felt” in different social settings. Dancers were given this social identity wheel and asked to rank the twelve parts of their identities based on importance, familiarity, and perception. For the dancers, this activity was intended to spark a conversation about how society values people’s identities and what can be done to redefine perception so that all identities are valued and respected equally. In the discussion, dancers were challenged to confront their own biases and devise actionable solutions to combat these tendencies. A copy of the identity wheel activity is listed below for your perusal.