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Student Symposium 2021

What is the Problem?


Root Cause Analysis Diagram

The problem is the airport needs to provide wayfinding directions and information to guests based on post-COVID improvements. Lingering anxieties from the ongoing COVID pandemic permanently shifted the expectations of airport guests, and if the airport does not meet these expectations, guests will not be satisfied with their airport experience. The world is adapting to COVID and becoming more comfortable with doing business and conducting their personal lives. Since that is the case, the airport will slowly start to see their guest patronage rise and, meeting the previously mentioned expectations will become increasingly important. The airport is trying to limit the amount of contact between employees and guests using signage. Potential changes in how the airport operates in a post-COVID world must be effectively communicated to guests. A post-COVID world will bring about new expectations from guests in terms of public health precautions. The airport must convince guests that their post-COVID changes are sufficient in meeting these new expectations because the reputation of the airport will suffer if the expectations are not meant.

There are several symptoms, clues, conditions, related problems, situations, recent changes, and other issues about the project that help pinpoint the Problem Statement. 

There is cluttered signage causing sensory overload among the guests. This causes anxiousness among guests and creates a misunderstanding of what the different signage says. The Indianapolis International Airport is under Marion county's rules and regulations, so any suggestion that is made must also abide by these rules before implementation.

Another symptom is that guests are concerned more about other guests than themselves. Guests have made it clear that they are not worried that the airport will be the risk, but rather the other guests that may be carrying COVID and not following COVID safety precautions. Something that the airport is concerned about is guests constantly using the service desk for directions and questions. Under normal circumstances, this would not be a problem, however, the airport would like to interact face-to-face less often to prevent any more cases of COVID in the terminal.

Problem Statement