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Student Symposium 2021

Success Criteria

Systems Analyst Brian Faust Introduces the Success Criteria


Restore the operational ability to Pre-Covid-19 levels:

This section is focused on the ability of the client to successfully operate at Pre-Covid-19 levels while still following CDC guidelines. The goal is to ensure proper adherence to guidelines while at full operational capacity and ways to achieve that include:

  • Reducing the waiting time during the screening process. For example, increasing the number of lanes would reduce the waiting time during the screening process.
  • Reduce the processing time, by speeding up the process.
  • Reduce the time from entering the security area to leaving the security area, i.e., rescheduling flights so there are no bottlenecks when arriving at the airport or trying to depart the airport.


Safety is focused on ensuring that customers and employees are kept physically healthy and mentally calm. No solution would be successful without appropriately meeting these points:

  • Physical Safety: reduce contact between
    1. Employees and customers
    2. Customers and customers
    3. Employees and employees
  • Mental Calmness:
    1. Give customers confidence.
    2. Thoroughly clean facilities by meeting health standards

Educate/inform the customer about the Security Process more effectively:

This Success Criteria highlight the need for the solution to be easily accessible, understandable, and useable by the customer.

  • The process will be user-friendly to learn.