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Student Symposium 2021

More than programming

The project wasn't all programming. A lot of the parts that made it feel like a job were the tasks outside of the product itself.

As said earlier, we did a lot of prep work before we started thinking about programming. That also continued throughout the two semesters. We had weekly meetings where we would discuss how the project was going and what we need to be doing better. These meetings really helped us keep focus throughout the semester.

Team meeting - Admin Portal

We had to document a lot of the process. Each meeting or design idea we had was documented. The software was also documented as we made three separation documentations: User, Development, and Deployment. These are for people who want to use the software or people who want to further develop the software. 

Documentation - Admin Portal

We also meet with both our mentor and client around once a month. Meeting with a client was something that was very new to most of our team. By the end, we all thought we understood what it was like to really like to try to meet the needs of a client. 

Communication is a key part to any process. Despite being completely virtual, we were able to communicate effectively and efficiently. We used slack to do so and it was really nice to be able to communicate with teammates that were ready to help or work.