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Student Symposium 2021

Wrapping it up

In the end, our client was very pleased with our final product. We went further than what he expected and have made a product that is viable to use for their business. Not only was he pleased, but we were as well.

Throughout the project we learned many skills that we will take throughout our career. It really felt as if we were being prepared for the years to come.

Home page for Admin Portal
Ref Reps Final Title - Admin Portal

Being able to both create a new application and add onto an existing one is what made our project unique and fun! Many of the technologies used were new and as technology evolves, we are going to have to constantly be learning. This was a great way to help us learn in a controlled environment.

Thank you to our client, Kyle Armstrong, for giving us the opportunity. Thank you to our Mentor, Evan Witous, for guiding us along the way. Finally, thank you to our professor, Huseyin Ergin, for all the advice and help throughout the past two semesters.

Wrapping it up