
A class. A podcast. A conversation.

Indelible is a podcast about sexual violence on college campuses. We want to give survivors space to share their stories, college students access to real information, and administrators across the nation ways to better protect & serve their students.

"Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter. The uproarious laughter between the two, and their having fun at my expense."

In 2018, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who sexually assaulted her at a high school party in the 1980s. During her testimony, Ford recalled her strongest memory of the night—the sound of Kavanaugh and a second assailant laughing.

That resonated with us, and the more we watched, heard, and learned about sexual violence, the more we realized that every survivor has their own indelible memory.

It became our mission to shed light on these stories and to give agency to survivors all across the nation. In the fall semester of 2019, Professor Jill Christman and a group of talented, dedicated students set out to change the way sexual violence on college campuses is discussed.

Sexual Violence on College Campuses

  • is a nationwide epidemic.
  • is an ongoing, decades-long issue.
  • is part of a larger culture that affects people of all genders and identities.
  • can’t be solved without everyone’s help!

Conversations about sexual violence have so many different facets. It’s an issue of power, yes, as well as gender, race, class, and more. There’s so much to talk about! Stick with us as we navigate all the intricacies of this issue and learn, grow, and change together. 

Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
