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Vegas in the Village Event Proposal

Vegas in the Village Event Proposal.pdf

Click through to view the event proposal deck. 

Sarah Clinton, Alex Osmun, Kylie Haslem, Morgan Edelman


We are a full-service casino event provider with a reputation for superb quality. Take the notion of friendly competition to a new level with bonding and taking home the winning prize! Our casino night-themed party at the Village Promenade will undoubtedly be the talk of the village, although whatever happens at Vegas in the Village, stays at Vegas in the Village.

Audience Analysis

We want our IU medical students to feel welcomed and important at the Village Promenade. Medical students are constantly working hard with very little time for fun.

How long are residency shifts? 9-12 hour shifts

How long do they study? These students study on average about 30-40 hours per week so they don’t have time to pack up and enjoy a vacation.

How long is IU medical school? IU’s medical students are to complete all four years of their medical education after college

But, everyone enjoys having fun at a casino, but most assume that you have to hop on a plane out to Las Vegas to get the true casino experience. That’s not true! We’ll make it easy for these students by bringing it to them.

Featured Games and Amenities

The games we will feature are a mix of original casino games and fun board games. The casino games we are hoping to include are poker, roulette, and blackjack. The fun party/ card games could include Yahtzee, bingo, and maybe cards against humanity. Everyone likes to have fun, but not everyone has a knack for poker. By including other games, it will give everyone a chance to play and win!

Baskets/ prizes

Participants will be playing casino and other games in order to obtain more chips that can be redeemed for basket prizes. The basket prizes consist of gift cards/ certificates and merch from local businesses in the village.

Each organization will be approached to inquire about sponsoring the casino event. Sponsors of the event will be listed as a sponsor on all marketing and promotional materials for the event. The sponsors will also be able to build brand loyalty with new residents of Muncie, specifically IU Ball Memorial Hospital students located in the Village Promenade. We ask our sponsors to donate goods from their business that could be used in our prizes baskets to help offset the costs of renting casino games.

Ambiance/ vibe

Music/Sounds: Classical sounding elevator music playing in the background for some added noise, but most noise will be coming from the participants and the people running the games

Slow tempo music: encourage the guests to feel relaxed and want to stay longer

Scent: Eucalyptus smell offers an energized feeling and stimulation which will be needed for a casino night which is requiring brain stimulation. Also incorporating a wood cedar smell along with the Eucalyptus is necessary so you get the indie-chill vibe of the facility with the wood appliances.

Scenery: Colors: Warm color scheme with lots of reds, greens, blacks, (people are generally drawn to warm color environments) with the idea of casino-style decor and lighting it will be a bit dim so it isn’t awkward and more private so you will get the whole casino experience in a smaller space. Warm colors encourage fast-decision making so when betting and playing it will speed up the process which is good.


This casino night will kick off with a bang and get the nightlife theme lodged into the medical students' brains so they are left with a good impression of all of the fun convenient vendors in the village. At the event, there will be prizes including coupons and gift cards to Brothers, Roots, Greeks, Jack's Donuts, Insomnia, etc. The Village Promenade is a very nice, safe, convenient apartment complex is known for its location and proximity to the Bars in the village, along with the luxurious amenities and space the complex offers.

Food and Beverage

Although this facility is a covid-friendly environment with rules that state you cannot eat inside the facility, we are going to be providing small pizzas from Greeks so that the IU medical students can take the pizza after they are done playing and participating in the casino game night and be on about their night.


As you can see, we want the best experience for our IU Medical Students and bring the connection of all business in the Village to the VP. Our hopes are to make student residency at VP inviting and convenient with the chance of having a little fun all in one. We hope you consider Vegas in the Village as we see the full potential of this being a successful event.