Fall 2022, Volume 16, No. 1
Table of Contents
- A Word from the Editor
Yayuan Xiao - Editorial Committee and Call for Papers
Articles - Trigonometric Functions in the p-norm
Sunil Chebolu , Andrew Hatfield, Riley Klette, Christopher Moore, Elizabeth Warden - Vertex and Mixed k-Diameter Component Connectivity
Adam Buzzard, Nathan Shank - On the Origin of Zombies: A Modeling Approach
Alisha Kumari, Elijah Reece, Kursad Tosun, Scott Greenhalgh - Sums of Diagonals in Pascal’s Triangle
Jamisen McCrary, Russell May - Polynomials that Preserve Nonnegative Matrices of Order Two
Benjamin J. Clark, Pietro Paparella - Viviani’s Theorem, Minkowski’s Theorem and Equiangular Polygons
Elie Alhajjar, Michael Nasta - Nonlinear Lotka-Volterra Competition Models
Mara Smith - Carnot-Carathéodory and Korányi-Geodesics in the Heisenberg Group
Josh Ascher, Armin Schikorra - Numerical Range of Strictly Triangular Matrices over Finite Fields
Ariel Russell